Uncontainable: Leonardo Electronic Alamanac (2011)

Uncontainable: Leonardo Electronic Alamanac (2011)

Writer: Various
Editor: Lanfranco Aceti, Ozden Sahin, Andrea Ackerman

Publisher: Goldsmiths College
ISBN: 978 1 906897 19 2
Pages: 410 (Colour)

Published in conjunction with ISEA2011 Istanbul, the 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art (14-21 September 2011), this comprehensive catalogue documents over 100 artists and their interactions with their host city. 

The exhibition proved how the borders of contemporary national states present the observer with ideological and cultural frameworks that are no longer valid. Concepts of identity, cultural identifiers, nation state and belonging as well as place and time were challenged in both real and virtual contexts. It showcased the complexity of contemporary social interactions and the role that technology plays in redefining contemporary aesthetics.

Uncontainable was part of the official Parallel Programme of the Istanbul Biennial, which allowed artists and curators to provide diverse perspectives on contemporary developments within fine arts aesthetics. Initiatives and events were dotted across Istanbul and internationally in museums, galleries and public spaces, with the art programme conceived as an artistic itinerary across the city that placed events in proximity to major tourist attractions, creating an electronic/new media/digital layering that interacted with the socio-political history of the city. 

The catalogue places an order to all of the events and activities, creating a record of the artists participating and the invited curators. It is a snapshot of the city and of the event itself, which signed a milestone in the history of the ISEA Foundation.

The print issue of ISEA2011 Uncontainable is available on Amazon.

ISEA2011 Istanbul Uncontainable exhibition catalog (a collaborative effort of Kasa Gallery, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Sabanci University and Goldsmiths College) is published as PDFs on the Leonardo Electronic Almanac website. The catalog is also collated as a LEA issue on Amazon. To access the PDFs of the catalog sections, or to access the single PDFs containing the work of a particular artist, click here. To get a printed catalog, visit the Amazon page.


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